go see AV's new blog http://theysayitsinthegenes.blogspot.com
you will see more lovely pictures like above, that I just stole from him!!!
NOT SUITABLE FOR MOST ADULT CONTENT! My blog is full of swearing, bad words and very tasteless humor. Some of it is sweet and fun and glittery. be warned! My bush baby just slammed its tender bits in a door...
It is a lovely picture of a lovely ass, wouldn't you say?
Do you hate it too?
"If you're going through Hell, keep going."
I'm bisexual, so I don't really care if there would be a package on the other side.
I do have an aversion to those that are transgendered, though.
Do you hate it too?
"If you're going through Hell, keep going."
I am too I think most of the world is too. to much population.
I have no aversion other than mean!
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