young hippie chicks who did drugs, smoked weed, got tattooed everywhere
and did every guy during the
Age of Aquarius' back in the 60's,
Well, wonder no more....

I love this woman she would make a great grand mother!
NOT SUITABLE FOR MOST ADULT CONTENT! My blog is full of swearing, bad words and very tasteless humor. Some of it is sweet and fun and glittery. be warned! My bush baby just slammed its tender bits in a door...
More like traumatizing...
Do you hate it too?
"If you're going through Hell, keep going."
I have a disclaimer at the top of the blog that says "not suitable for most"
it is all about the fine print...
I suggest that you don't go to the archives more stuff like this including crispy Weiner...labeled 'very graphic very stupid'.
I am a severely traumatized person, my view is just a little different.
to quote Rorschach from the Watchmen, in the prison scene "I'm not locked up here with you, YOU ARE LOCKED UP HERE WITH ME"
oh and cabin fever makes me mean!
Wow, and I was worried about drooping everywhere as I got older.
I just love her....
I want that woman's self-confidence.
I run around the health club locker room naked, you know what god or whatever gave me my body and I love my body and what it is turning into.
I love that woman, and I love me.
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