Sunday, May 31, 2009

Freedom and her friday!

(see picture below)
this is one of my best friends Freedom. and she sent this to me Friday. I was speechless. I promptly sent it to J.

he had to say "Finally got to where the fist wasn't enough. I knew she was a big twat, but I didn't know how big."

She is always telling us "to go fist ourselves"

"I want to put that picture up on my blog but you would kill me." is what I replied, when the shock wore off. Now I am not a prude quite to the contrary this is what she wrote me back.


That picture was taken when I went with my friend Robbie and his boyfriend to a gay porn store. You can put it on your blog and talk about how, I called my mother after I left a Porn Store and said "Mom, I'm walking out of a porn store." She thought I said "I'm working out of a porn store.""

This is why I love Freedom, she is just this much fun.

this is a chat between J. and Freedom, earlier today:

Freedom:I am running for President in 2016
My platform?
"If you want to be a real American, you will vote for Freedom."
Whaddya think?
will you vote for me?
me: I saw your platform. I didn't know they make them that big. I will vote for you having the biggest Kashlopus.

Freedom: Kashlopus?
What the hell is a Kashlopus?

Freedom: i dunno who would be my Veep.

Ask Shannon, was his answer, he just told me " that with a Kashlopus like that, she could get anyone she wanted."

for any of you that don't know what a Kashlopus is please see here:

Chelsea Handler of Chelsea Lately on the E network coined this term, watch her and she will tell you what it is, she is on 11pm most nights check your TV listings.
Chelsea is a funny as hell, and for being 34 and drinking like a fish she looks pretty good, considering that she probably did this to make fun of it....

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